Book Title: Manava Dharma
Author(s): Bhurmal Shastri, Nihalchandra Jain
Publisher: Aacharya 	Gyansagar Vagartha Vimarsha Kendra

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Page 179
________________ MANAV DHARMA / 91 Like a lotus which blooms in the sunlight, the degestive system of a man works properly in the day time and it becomes less digestive in the light of the moon. In the night time, a man is bound to feel laziness and sexual passions like wise a lily, blooming at night. From hea!th point of view the Vaidyas and Doctors have specially recommended for a patient all the eatables in the day light. “A patient, who has been observing fast for so many days due to severe illness, if at all wants food, the physician always advises him to take only in the day light so that it can be digested easily or enough time is made available for its digestion. Then the patient can have rest, as a consequence he will enjoy sound sleep, no evil dreams and freshness in the body the next morning. Contrary to it we can conclude that taking food at night is the cause of promoting ill heath and indigestion. Thus, not only man, but most of the animals and creatures do take their meals in the day light and take rest at night. Birds like pigeons eat in the day and return to their nests before the sunset and pass their night peacefully. They again fly up in the morning is search of their food. Only those who are habitual night-eaters like an owl, wild cat or a lion they take rest in the day and roam in jungle for their food in night. By eating in night, a man can not be a guardian of non-violence Ahimsa Dharma. In the night, in the absence of the sun rays small insects and mosquitos come out of their hiding places; more bright and gloring artificail light attracts more insects and these start flying all over the space and sometime they fall in the food also. Due to lack of proper light and due to their tinyness, they are invisible and night eater commits the sin of violenceHimsa - and meat eating. Apart from it, these poisonous insects and jeevas may cause several diseases. Thus from the physical point of view and from religious point of view. night eating is totally harmful and undesirable and a wise man, who wants to avoid the sin of violence, will never like to eat in the night. We have also to keep in mind that on one hand man is a store-house of goodness and rendering services of well being to others and on the other side, he is full of faults, ignorance and misunderstandings. Stealing and back biting are beyond a human-behaviour, but he does these while being engaged in bad company of evil persons and then he becomes so habitually engrossed in these evils that he begins to consider them as a part of his daily duty and thus in the end, to abstain from all these evils becomes impossible for him. This habit of taking meals in night time is also the result of imitation and the root of this habit has gone so deep that now a man, if takes one meal in the day, the second meal is bound to be taken in the night in twenty four hours time and now this system has been accepted


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