in Alms to the real sages of great austerety, was blessed with a rain of Gems and pearls”, resulted in removing his povety in this life and on retiring from this world or after transmigration of the soul he was born in the best of the 'Bhogbhumi" where he remained and enjoyed for years together the heavenly pleasures, profusion and prosperity. Hence it is advised to all learned and wise householders that they must not show any kind of dullness and dis-interest in providing charity (DAAN) to worthy sages/saints (PATRADAAN). Daan is of four kinds as explained in the following verse :
आहारौषधयोरप्युपकरणावासयोश्च दानेन ।
वैयावृत्यं बुवते चतुरात्मत्वेन चतुरसाः ॥११७॥ Explanation :
Those, who provide four kinds of Daan; regard the giving of food (Ahardan) medicine (Aushadhdaan) means or instruments of knowledge i.e. Books (SHASTRA DAAN) and shelter (Abhaydaan) as the four forms of Vaiya-Vritya" (deleri) Description :
Most of the wise learned Acharyas have directed to perform this vaiyavritya - Daan in four different ways. 1. The first important Daan is to give pure simple food to the
saints to maintain their physique well. If a saint is suffering from any ailment, disease or some physical trouble, proper meduinces are to be provided and the precaution
is to be taken so that the disease may not occur again. 3. For the saints, pichhi (fragt) Kamandalu (445g) and holy
religious books may be arranged and provided to them. A suitable place for their abode and living is to be arranged, where the saint can smoothly carryout his daily routine activities. These are the four types of charity “Daan", which are to be provided to the saints daily in a well desired manner. Alongwith all these four to worship the God and render some auspicious service is also taken in Vaiyavriti, The same has been stressed in next worse:श्रीषेण वृषभसेने कौण्डेशः सूकरश्च दृष्टान्ताः ।
वैयावृत्य-स्यैते चतुर्विकल्पस्य मन्तव्याः ॥११८॥ Explanation :
Srisena, Vrishabhasena, Kaundesa, and Sukara, these four should be regarded as patterns of the four kinds of Vaiyavriti respectively.