Explanation :
Spreading false doctrines, revealing the secrets and deformities of others, back-biting, making false documents, not returning in full a deposit made by another (on his asking for less through forgetfulness these are the five transgressions of the Vow of Truthfulness of a layman.
Description :
To say something to a person with a view to insult or degrade him or to spread false doctrines is called PARIVAD (a). To know the secrets of a person's private life and then to reveal it to others or to tell about the deformities of a man to others is called RAHOBHYAKHYAN (). To speak ill of others or do Backbiting or to utter words of criticism at one's back is known as PAISHUNYATA (). to write articles relating to pretensions, deceit or rebuke is called Koot Lekh karan (). To take about usurping of any pledged property of others, to make false documents, and uttering very piercing words to others, or to utter ungentle words to others, all come under the category of speaking false words or this all relates to Falsehood.
Such speeches are not meant for those persons, who always speak the truth. The value of a man relates with the language he speaks or speech denotes the value of a man. Whether a man is cultured or uncultured, is known by the speech he utters or by his spoken language. The spoken language can prove both Nectar (3) or a poison. Sweet words spoken by a man may provide peace and calmness to the listener of the words which can not be provided even by nectar. But harsh language causes irritation and adverse results; mental peace is disturbed and uneasiness is felt and the whole world becomes futile. All worldly behaviour, and dealings are done through sweet speech. Hence man is advised to utter such language and speech which should be well planned, well thought and refined so that the listener may feel pleasure, satisfaction and inner happiness. See an example - what does a crow do to others and what does a cuckoo give? Her sweet chattering influences the minds and hearts of the people and they start liking a cuckoo and not a crow. That is to say sweet speech has great attraction, which also influences like an incantation (MANTRA) The whole world can be brought under ones influence through sweet speech and sweet language, hence a man must care of the speech what and how to utter the language? And to maintain the validity of the sweet speech the first and formost thing is to abstain from stealing.