Utkalikasūtra not available presently
1. Kalpikakalpika 2. Culakalpika 3. Mahaprajnapana 4. Pramadapramada 5. Paurusimandala 6. Mandala Pravesa 7. Vidyacarana Viniscaya 8. Dhyanvibhakti 9. Vitaraga Śruta 10. Viharakalpa 11. Caranavidhi
About the subject matter of these Kalika and Utkalikasūtras, not extant today, it is very difficult to comment upon. Their subjectmatter can be inferred on the basis of their titles only. One Angasūtra, i. e., Drstivāda, 15 Kalikasūtra and 11 Utkalikasūtras, thus, the number of extinct or not available texts, comes to be 27, in total. Except these 27, all the 51 texts are available. It is not possible here to deliberate on the corresponding authorship, date and subjectmatter of each and every text of this list. So I shall discuss, in short, only few important works in their chronological order.
Ācārānga is considered as the oldest of all the works of the early period. According to the scholars, the first part of Ācārānga belongs to the c. 5th-4th B. C. This part contains the original sermons of Lord Mahāvīra. It deals with the spiritual preachings along with the basic principles of non-violence and ethical code
125 | Jainism and its History