samyama, it is necessary to renounce certain objects of enjoyments. 5. Tapa or austerities such as meditating upon the nature of soul, every morning and evening, for a fixed period of time.
6. Dana or Charity
Giving: (a) food, (b) knowledge, (c)
medicine and (d) protection to other beings.
In the Svetambara texts, these six essential duties are in a different way. They are the same as are prescribed for the monks.
Stages of spiritual progress of a house-holder are called pratimās. (1) Darśana-pratima - Having a firm faith in the doctrines of Jainas. (2) Vrata-pratima - Observance of the twelve vows of a house-holder. (3) Sāmāyika- pratima - To practise for the equanimity of mind and observance of complete non-violence, thrice a day at least for about 48 minutes duration.
(4) Prosadhopavasa-pratimā- To observe fast on the 8th & the 14th day of every fortnight and to keep oneself engaged in contemplation. (5) Sacitta-tyaga-pratima- Refraining from taking animate water and vegetables.
(6) Rātri-bhukti-tyaga-pratima - Refraining from taking food and water in the night.
(7) Brahmacarya-pratima - Observance of complete continence.
(8) Arambha-tyaga- pratimā- To give up all worldly occupations.
(9) Parigraha-tyaga-pratima- Renouncement of worldly possessions or property.
(10) Anumati-tyaga-pratima-Not to offer advice on any worldly
(11) Uddista-tyaga-pratima- Not to take that food which is prepared specially for him.
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