judgments are true by their own view-points, but they are false so far as they refute other's view-points totally.
Here I would like to quote verses from works of Haribhadra (C. 8th A.D.) and Hemcandra (C. 12th A.D.), which are the best examples of religious tolerance in Jainism. In Lokatattva Nirnaya Haribhadra says: “I bear no bias towards Bhagwan Mahāvīra and no disregard to the Kapila and other saints and thinkers, whatsoever is rational and logical ought to be accepted'. Hemacandra in his Mahadeostotra says, “I bow to all those who have overcome attachment and hatred, which are the cause of worldly existence, he they Brahma, Visnu, Siva or Jina". Thus, Jaina saints have tried all the times to maintain harmony in different religious-faiths and tried to avoid religious conflicts.
The basic problems of present society are mental tensions, violence and conflicts of ideologies and faiths. Jainism had tried to solve these problems of mankind through the three basic tenets of non-attachment or non-possessiveness (Aprigraha). non-violence (Ahimsa) and non-absolutism (Anekanta). If mankind observes these three principles, peace and harmony can certainly be established in the world.
The world has been facing a number of problems such as mental tensions, war and violence, ideological conflicts, economic inequality, political subjugation and class conflicts not only today but from its remote past. Though some of these have assumed an alarming proportion today, yet, no doubt, the most crucial problem of our age is, for coming generation would be, that of ecological imbalance. Only a half century back we could not even think of it. But today, everyone is aware of the fact that ecological imbalance is
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