sect is Niggantha Dhamma. The word Niggantha means the one who has unknotted his Hrdaya Granthi, i.e., the ‘mine' complex. It means, in other words, one who has eradicated ones attachments and passions. The word, “Jaina’ also conveys the same meaning; a true Jaina is one who has conquered one's passions.
According to Bhagwan Mahāvīra, “to remain attached to sensuous objects is to remain in the whirl” (Ācārānga, 1.1.5). The attachment towards sensuous objects is the root of our worldly existence (Ācārānga, 1.2.1). Further, it is also mentioned in the Ācārānga (1.3.1), “only he who knows the nature of the sensuous objects is possessed of self, knowledge, scripture, Law (Dhamma) and Truth (Bambha).” The five senses together with anger, pride, delusion and desire are difficult to be conquered, but when the self is conquered, all these are completely conquered (Uttarādhyayana, 9.36).
Just as the female crane is produced from the egg and the egg from the crane, in the same way desire is produced by delusion and delusion by desire (Uttarādhyayana, 32.6). Attachment and hatred are the seeds of Karma and delusion is the source of attachment and hatred. Karma is the root of birth and death. This cycle of birth and death is the sole cause of misery. Misery is gone in the case of a man who has no delusion, while delusion is gone in the case of a man who has no desire. Desire is gone in the case of a man who has no greed, while greed is gone in the case of a man who has no attachment (Uttarādhyayana, 32.8).
According to the Tattvārtha-Sūtra: 8.1, a famous Jaina text, perverse attitude (Mithyā Darśana), non-abstinence (Avirati), spiritual inertia (Pramāda), passions (Kasāya) and sinful
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