(v) Works related to the Code of Conduct of Monks and Nuns as well as house-holders.
Under the first category Dvātrimsikas of Siddhasena Divakara (c. 4'"A.D.) hold an important place. He has written 32 Dvātrimsikas out of which seven - first five, 11"" and 21% are composed in the praise of different Tīrthankaras. Many of these Dvathmsikas, apart from praising the Tīrthankaras, critically examine the theories of other philosophical systems. The next important work of this eulogical literature is Sāmantabhadra's Svayambhustotra. It consists of 143 Slokas written in praise of twenty-four Tīrthankaras. Kundukunda's Dāsabhakti is also an important work dealing with ten-fold Laksanas of Dharma.
Another most popular and well-received work, respected equally by both the sects – Svetambara and Digambara, is Manatunga's Bhaktamarastotra (c. 6th A.D.) composed in the praise of first Tīrthankara Rsabha deva.
The second category encompasses the work related to Jaina modes of worship and rituals. The first work of this category was Pujāprakarana by Umasvati but unfortunately it is not available. Similarly, in Digambara tradition some more treatises related to this theme viz. Arhatpratistha and Jinabhiseka, both authored by Pujyapada Devanandi (c. 6th A.D.), are also not available today. A few works on Jaina modes of worship were also composed but presently except some of Pañcāsakas and other works by Haribhadra, none of these are available. Among nineteen Pañcāsakas only following are related to this theme:
1) Diksāvidhi 2) Caityavandanavidhi 3) Pujāvidhi 4) Jinabhavana-nirmāna-vidhi
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