Jain Dharma, Jan Dharma, Manav Dharma.
From the most ancient religions of the world comes Jainism-a religion of humans for humanity, a divine and noble religion. In spite being the people's religion, Jainism could not gain momentum on the world's spiritual platform I believe this is because of people like us-the saints and sages, who instead of instilling in seeker's souls the feelings of Satya (truth), Ahimsa (Non-violence), Tapa (Penance), Tyaga (renunciation) Sanyam (Austerity), Charitra (Conduct), Darshan (Vision) got involved in establishment of sects and communities Of the 24 Tirthankaras of Jainism, Bhagwan Mahavira is the last Pinnacle - a great and divine personality who gave a new definition of Ahimsa and Anekanta to this world. Although he provided a new definition, we could not express the feelings with the right words. The desired outcome was realized in a new wave with the rise of Jesus-words changed but the feelings - Sarvajanik Prem (Love for all) and Sarvajanik Chintan (common contemplation) remained the same. With this wave, droplets of water converted into an ocean. Why were we not able to give this right profile to Lord Mahavira? The second reason I believe is that we saints adhered to the 'Self and could not engage in teamwork
The work that could not be done by us saints is being carried out effectively by JAINA JAINA's efforts are taking Jainism to new heights and I feel proud and happy to think of the day when Jainism will reach out to the hearts of people around the globe. The world would be so beautiful, prosperous, pure and eternally blissful With firm belief, I can see that JAINA's goals will be realized JAINA in America, miles away from India, is carrying along its culture and civilization to realize an outcome of spintual enlightenment. I always say that "There is no Easy Way to The Top", but work done with selfless intent becomes the work of the DIVINE POWER For God's work, "You Start The Sentence and God Will Complete It For spiritual work you just have to start and The Divine power, GOD, will take care of the rest. The Divine Flame ignited by JAINA around the world will enlighten numerous souls. All it needs to do is to keep the spirits high.
It is said
"Beheti Fauj ki Mauj ko roka ja sakta hai par khayalon ke toofan ko nahi".
Today, while writing for JAINA, I remember the Great Saint Sushil Muni Ji, who preached this religion across boundaries, salutations to him Let us all together spread the teachings of Jainism throughout the world, Let us make the voice of all 24 Tirthankars be heard all across the globe
When thousands of steps are taken together towards spiritual enlightenment, when thousands of hands pray together and when thousands of souls contemplate together, then we shall surely succeed in enlightening this world Let us illuminate the world with the celestial rays of Ahimsa, Sarvajanik Prem Anekant and Sarvjanik Chintan transmitted by Lord Mahavira.
"A Little Faith will take you to Heaven and Complete Faith will bring Heaven to You".
The Noble cause of Vegetarianism, Humanity, Service, Adulation, Non-Violence, and Leam Serve and Return, that has been undertaken by JAINA is appreciable. My Heartily Blessings are with them and I wish them all the success
ब्रह्मर्षि गुर्बानंद
Brahmrishi Guruvanand Swamy
Main Office: R.C. Road, Ramchandrampuram, Mandalam, Tirupati-517561 (India) Ph: 0877 224 7056 944 413 4340