as they do around us. Realizing that no substance can be created and/or destroyed negates the concept of a creator or destroyer. Therefore, in the event of a positive or negative situation, we can no longer praise or blame a creator for those events. Also, since every substance has the potential to perform its own activity and cannot perform the activity of any other substance, this further strengthens our belief that a creator does not exist. The praise or blame for any event can be turned back on to the substances involved in the event. Any and every event and substance in this universe is wholly independent of another.
no being or event is to blame for the situation's occurrence. This can help put our minds at ease and not get involved in finding blame for a situation. After all, getting emotionally involved in any situation is only going to increase our own passions, which we will have to face the consequences of at some point in time. This same logical thought process can apply to positive situations as well. Taking these basic principles of how the universe works into consideration and applying them to global situations will give us a unique perspective and ability to easily handle anything life throws our way.
Coming to terms with this, our perspective on events occurring in our lives and those occurring globally will change. We understand that things happen because of each substance's own intrinsic power and not at the fault of any other substance. Therefore, when observing a negative situation going on around us, after understanding the basic principles of our universe, we can come to the realization that
With Compliments from Pravin and Sudha Mody
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