Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 22
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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________________ CONTENTS. MISCELLANEA AND CORRESPONDENCE. PAGE PAGE Sanskrit Words in the Burmese Language, by Dates from South Indian Inscriptions, by F. •Bernard Houghton, C.S. ... ... .. ... 24 Kielhorn ... ... ... . ... ... .. 136 A Note on the Name "Shwe Dagon," by R. c. Sanskrit Words in the Burmese Language, by Taw Temple ... ... ... Sein-Ko ... ... ... ... ... 162 The Evil Eye, by Bernard Houghton... ... ... 56 Folk- Etymology of Place-Names in the Sandoway A Short Account of Six Unpublished Inscriptions, District, Burma, by B. Houghton ... .. by F. Kielhorn ... The Date of Sundara Pandya-Jatavarman, by Shankar B. Dikshit Pausha Samvatsara in the Kasika-Yritti on p. iv. 2, .. .. . . .... 21, by F. Kielhorn ... ... 8* Vaddavara, by J, F. Fleet ... ... ... Miscellaneous Dates from Inscriptions and MSS. Some Dates in the Chalukya Vikrama-Kala, by J. by F. Kielhorn ... .. .. ... ... .. 107 i F. Fleet .. ... .. .. ... ... ... 296 NOTES AND QUERIES. Ratanasingha-Shwebo-Moutahobo-Kongbaung, by Srahe, by J. F. Fleet ... ... ... . ... R. C. Temple and Taw Sein-Ko ... ... ... 28 Bassein-Basseen, by R. C. Temple ... ... .. Musselwoman, by E. C. Temple ... ... .. 112 The Chronology of the Kakatiya Dynasty, by C. Winhing Stones in Burma, by R. C. Temple ... 166 1 Mabel Duff ... ... ... . .. ... 325 Bao :-Indo-European for "Monastery," by R. C. Interchange of Initial and P in Burmese Place Temple .. ... ... ... ... 165 Names, by R. C. Templo ... ... ... ... Ordoal in Modern Indian Life, by R. C. Temple ... 196 Talapay-Talapoin, by R. C. Temple... ... ... 326 BOOK-NOTICES. Die Handschriften vorzeichnisse der königlichen Santal Folktales, translated from the Santali by Bibliothek zu Berlin, by G. A. G.... ... ... 112 A. Campbell, by W. Crooke ... ... ... ... 196 Kalbana's Rajatarangini, or Chronicle of the Kings of Kashmir, edited by M. A. Stein, Ph.D., by Panini, Ein Beitrag zur Kentniss der indischen A. A. Maodonnell ... ... ... ... ... 139 A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by Arthur A. Literatur und Grammatik, Von Bruno Liebrich, Macdonnell, by G. A. Grierson ... ... ... 166 by G. A. Grierson ... ... ... ... ... 229 70 .. 274 Do. ILLUSTRATIONS. Poềuddaung Inscription of S'inbyuyin... ... ... 6 VI.--Images and Mural Decoration, Kogun Cave.. 366 Transcription into Modern Burmese Characters, VII.--The Great Stalagmite Kogun Cave ... ... id. pp. (1)-17] ... ... .. ... ... 6 VIII.-(1) Grotesque figures from Pegu and Madras Museum Plates of Jatilavarman Syriam ... ... ... ... .. ib. Danish Coins from Tranquebar... ... 118 (2) Images of Buddha, with terra-cotta Restored Portions of the Pali Stones of the Kalyani bricks in situ, near the Kyaik pan Inscriptions of Dhammacheti, 1476 A. D. (Six Pagoda, Pega... ... .. .. Plates) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 274 IX.-Inscribed Tablet from Pegu ... ... ... Stones 1 to 10 of the Kalyanı Inscriptions ... ... 974 IX.-(a) Bas reliefs on terra-cotta bricks from Broken Portions of the Kalyani Stones ... Pegu ... ... .. ... ... General Plan of the Site of the Kalyani Inscrip Do. tions ... ... .. .. ... . XI. Do. XII. Aeoka's Inscriptions: XIII. Do. 4.-Rupnath Rock Edict of Devanampiya. --The XIII(a).-Bas-reliefs on Stone from Thaton... Year 256 ... ... .. * ... 299 XIV.B.-Sahasram Rock Edict of Devanampiye.-The XIV().- Do. Year 256 ... XV.-(1) Specimen of a Cambodian Tower - KyaikMap of Ramaanadesa ... pun Pagoda, near Pegu ... ... 1.-The Farm Cave-Main Entrance ... ... (2) Votive tablet from Buddha Gaya found I(a).-Images and Objects in the Kogun Cave in Pega... ... ... ... ... ... II.-(1) Bhinji Cave-Entrance. ... XVI.-Figures and votive tablets from the Caves e) Bhinji Cave-Interior ... ... of the Amherst District ... .. III.--General View of Entrance Hall, Kogun Cave. ib. X-V1(a). - Do. IV.-Mural Ornamentation, Entrance Hall, Kogun XVII.-The Shwethayamg or Great Recumbent Cave ... ... . ib. Buddha at Pegu... V.-Kogun Cave. looking towards Entrance of XVIII.-The Kyaiktiyo Pagoda near Shwegyin ... ib. Main Hall... ... ib. .. .. ... .. XIX.-The Approach to the Dhammatha Cave 10. Do. - .. . .209 .. 329


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