जीव कर्म कर्ता कहो, पण भोक्ता नहि सोय, शुं समजे जड कर्म के, फळ परिणामी होय ?
O Guru! I have accepted that the jiva is the doer of karma. The jiva acquires punya karma through noble thoughts and papa karma through ignoble thoughts. But both punya and papa karmas are inanimate. There is no power of knowledge in them. They themselves are unaware whether they are in the form of punya or papa. Indeed they do not even know that when time is ripe they are supposed to produce a good or bad result. How do the inanimate karmas know that the jiva has done such karmas and it has to be given such and such a result? And the result that the jiva gets is again karma, is it not? If the inanimate karmas are incapable of producing results, then how can it be said that the jiva is the sufferer of the karma-effect?
In practice too, the utilisation of inanimate substances and the effect thereof is achieved through our own effort. The inanimate does not produce an effect by itself. We sit down for food, the plate is served, and everyday we eat the food stuff from the same plate. But we are required to pick up a morsel and place it in our mouth. Food does not reach the mouth automatically and offer the effect of satiating hunger. Therefore, the inanimate karmas cannot offer an effect to jiva. Then how can the jiva be called a sufferer?
फळदाता ईश्वर गण्ये, भोक्तापणुं सधाय; एम को ईश्वरतणुं, ईश्वरपणुं ज जाय
But if you were to call the jiva the sufferer, then another question is bound to arise -
I am the Soul
Jain Educationa International
Let us presume that the Eshwar is aware of the karmas of all and just as a Judge pronounces sentences from crimes done, Eshwar makes the jivas suffer their karmas - then the suffering of jiva is proved. But having said this, the disciple feels that
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