A dream of millions of years...
The pursuit of the three gems stops the movement of the jiva in the affected disposition. The jiva is indeed moving, in a way progressing; but both the movement and progress are in the path of affected disposition.
The jiva lives in such a false belief that being born, living and dying are a sequence and that it will continue in the same way. Nothing else can be done about it! But the alleviating sages have told us that this wandering may well be from infinite time, but the strength to put a brake on it, to stop it rests within the jiva.
Brothers! You know several factories continue to work day in and day out. Once set in operation, they sometimes run on and on for months together. But when it is felt necessary that the machines need to be stopped for a few hours or days, then it is just a matter in our hands. Just switch the power off and the machines stop. In fact, even your young child or any factory worker can do that job. They just have to know which switch needs to be turned off. Thus the machines of the inanimate world are in our hands.
Man commands all machines working on the earth, however huge they may be. Not just these! But, even if spacecrafts created at the cost of billions of Rupees go into the space and develop snags, people sitting here can handle their repairs. Thus man has the power in his hands to decide when to run or stop all the equipment of the inanimate world. Of course, the man has to have the know-how.
Well, Brothers! Same goes for the chetan machine too. Even that works day in and day out. Whether awake or asleep, it does not stop. The body may perhaps be put to sleep by administering
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