(i) Āīņa—Āīņa was a cloth made from the deer-skin (ajina).1 (ii&iii) Sahina and Sahiṇakallaṇa-Sahina was a type of very thin or fine (sukṣma)* cloth, while the sahinakallāņa was fine as well as soft (snigdha).
(iv) Aya-Aya is explained as cloth prepared from the moss. (sevala) that clung to the goat's hoof in siyatalaya (sita-taḍagaṛṣitaḍaga) in the country of Tosali. This definition of the aya cloth given in the NC. is almost unintelligible and shows that the author himself was not quite clear regarding the origin of this cloth. In the other Jaina texts, however, aya is explained as cloth made from the goat's hair."
(v) Kaya-Kaya is explained as cloth made in the Kaya country (Eastern Malwa ) by dyeing the cloth in a pond in which the seeds of kakajangha (Abrus Procatorius-Hindi gunja) have fallen", or the cloth dyed in the liquid or solution (druti) of kaya (a medicinal plant, perhaps known as cakaseni in Hindi).' Both these definitions are not clear and do not. reveal the nature of this cloth. The commentary on the Acaranga, however, explains kaya as cloth manufactured from blue-cotton.
(vi) Khomma-Khomma has been mentioned as a type of cotton cloth, but it is also stated that in view of others it was a cloth made from the bark of the banyan tree.10 If the
1. अजिणं चम्मं, तम्मि जे कीरति ते आईाणि – NC. 2, p. 359; also Acaraiga, II.
5. 1. 3.
2. सहिणं सूक्ष्मं - NC. 2, p. 399.
3. कल्लाणं स्निग्धं, लक्षणयुक्त वा, किं चि सहिणं कल्लाणं च - Ibid.
4. आय णाम तोसलिविसए सीयतलाए अयाणं खुरेसु सेवालतरिया लग्गंति, तत्थ वत्था कीरंति—NC. 2, p. 399.
5. Acaranga, II. 5. 1. 3.
6. कायाणि कयविसए काकजंवस्स जहिं मणी पडितो तलागे तत्थ रत्ताणि जाणि ताणि
कायाणि भण्णंति - NC. 2, p. 399.
7. दुते वा काये रत्ताणि कायाणि - Ibid.
8. Acārānga, II. 5. 1. 3.
9. पोंडमया खोम्मा — NC. 2, p. 399.
10. अण्णे भणति — रुव रोहितो निग्गच्छंति, जहा "बडेहिंतो पादगा साहा " — Ibid.
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