In the nine uppermost heavens, there is no minimum age limit (i.e., they all have the same age?). [The last line of verse 87 is missing. The meaning of the third line is not clear.] (87)
Concluding verses:
These are the eighty-four points (corresponding, that is, leading to rebirth in eighty-four hundred thousand yonis. Those who believe in these indeed are sporting in the ocean of sanısāra. (88)
In the city of Agra, there lives the wise and learned Kaurapāla. For his sake Kavi Hema composed this poem. (89)
I have not composed this work with any grudge (against the Shvetāmbaras) nor have I done this just to support my own view. This is a preaching consisting of truth. May it make good people happy. (90)
May these words of mine, which reveal the truth, illuminate the hearts of all. May they tear the cover of darkness in the form of doubt. Let there be an increase of knowledge and happiness. (91)
Thus ends the Caurāsī Bol, the Eighty-Four Points of Controversy.
I give below a list of the items found in Upādhyāya Yashovijayaji's/Dikpata Caurāsī Bol [Pratyukti] based on the headlines appearing in the Gürjara Sāhitya Sangraha, vol. 1, pp. 572-597. (Numbers at the end refer to verses.)
Introductory verses give an account of the origin of the Digambara sect in Vīra-nirvāna samvat 609, as narrated in the story of a muni called Sāhasamalla, a disciple of ācārya Krishna. (1-17)
The (Shvetāmbara) list of the eighteen defects (dosha) that are not found in a Kevalin differs from that of the Digambaras. (18-19)
The kevalin does eat food by morsel (kevali-bhukti). (20-23)
The Tīrthankara's body has the same seven components (saptadhātus) as any other human being. (20-23)
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