Book Title: Alphabet Key To History Of Mankind
Author(s): David Diringer
Publisher: Hutchinsons Scientific and Technical Publications
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27 he left this string to his wife, saying: "This knot"--touching the first-"is to-day. when I am starting: to-morrow'-touching the second knot"I shall be on the road, and I shall be walking the whole of the second and third day, but here"seizing the fifth knot-"I shall reach the end of my journey. I shall stay there the sixth day, and start for home on the seventh. Do nor forget, wife, to undo a knor every day, and on the tenth you will have to cook food for me; for, see, this is the eleventh day when I shall come back" (Weule).
The notched stick was employed as an aid in conveying messages (Fig. 7,3-4, 6-8). It was notched in the presence of the messenger to whom the significance of each notch was verbally emphasized. This mnemonic
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Fig. 7 1. Peruvian quipu. 2. Knot-record from Riukiu Islands. 3, Notched stick from Laos (Indo-China). +. "Geographical map" from Greenland 5. Makorde knot-record (Tanganyika Territory) 6-7 Notched sticks from North America. 8, Australian
notched sticks. device was employed not only by some primitive peoples of Australia North America, West Africa, China, Mongolia and S.E. Asia, bu