Book Title: $JES 401 Jain Philosophy and Practice 2 Level 4 Book
Author(s): JAINA Education Committee
Publisher: JAINA Education Committee
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Kärman Body: Kärman body consists of Karmic particles attached to the soul. This body also
stay with us until we achieve liberation. Thus, we have activities of Audärika Sharira, Vaikriya Sharira, Ahäraka Sharira and Kärman Sharira. We do not have independent activities of Taijasa Sharira. The first three bodies can have combined activities with other Shariras. Thus, we have a total of 7 Käya-yoga. Thus, there are total 15 Yogas of mind, speech and body. Of them, there are two kinds; namely, the virtuous ones and the non-virtuous ones. Truthful speech, truthful thinking and truthful activities are virtuous Yoga. All other activities are non-virtuous. We attain Punya by virtuous Yoga and Päp by non-virtuous Yoga. The Asrava or Influx due to the three types of Yogas can be virtuous and good (Shubha or Punya) or nonvirtuous and sinful (Ashubha or Päp). This is determined by the intention behind the activity of body, speech or mind. If the intention is bad by being colored by the four passions, Anger, Pride, Deceit and Greed, it shall lead to sinful or bad (Ashubha) Yoga and Äsrava and if the intent is good marked by restraint over these passions, it will be good or virtuous Yoga. Types of Asrava Shubha or Punya (Virtuous) Äsrava Influx: Good body yoga
Charity, restraint, service Good speech yoga
Truthful, sweet speech Good mind yoga
Wishing well of others in thought, good meditation Bad or Ashubha (Non-virtuous) Yoga, or Päp Asrava: Bad body yoga
Violence, theft etc. Bad speech yoga
Falsehood, harsh or hurtful talks Bad mind yoga
Thinking ill of others There are forty-two types of Asrava as indicated in the Tattvärtha Sutra by Acharya Umäsväti, and in the Nava-tattva Chapter through which the soul is exposed to the inflow of Karma. 42 types of Äsrava:
• Five related to senses (use of five sense organs) • Four related to passions (anger, ego, deceit, greed) • Five related to Avirati (not having taken five Vrata) • Three related to Yogas (mental, verbal, and physical activity)
• Twenty-five related to Kriya (Including acts of false faith, negligence, attachment etc.) The first seventeen are regarded as the major Asrava and the remaining twenty-five as the minor Asrava.