Book Title: $JES 401 Jain Philosophy and Practice 2 Level 4 Book
Author(s): JAINA Education Committee
Publisher: JAINA Education Committee
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Apratyakhyaniya (Non-Renunciatory) Kashäya: This Kashäya binds the soul with Karma which lasts at least 4 months to 12 months after its maturity. A person under the influence of this Kashaya has the right belief but has not yet taken vows to minimize sinful and unnecessary activities. By taking minor vows, he/she overcomes this Kashaya Pratyakhyana-ävaran (Partially Renunciatory) Kashäya: This Kashäva binds the soul with Karma which lasts more than 15 days to 4 months. A person under influence of this Kashäya, has the right belief, has taken minor vows to minimize sinful and unnecessary activities but has not taken great vows. Sanjvalan (Totally Renunciatory) Kashäya: This Kashaya is of a subtle kind and softly binds the soul with Karma which lasts less than 15 days. In this stage, an individual takes total vows and becomes an ascetic.
Summary There are four main degrees of intensity corresponding to the four Kashaya - Anantänu-bandhi Kashaya, Apratyäkhyäni Kashaya, Pratyakhyani Kashäya and Sanjvalan Kashäya. Kashaya Krodha Mäna Mäyä Lobha Defiling
Duration Passion
Ego Deceit Greed Attribute Anantänu- Line in Stone Bamboo Fast Samyaktva (Right One life bandhi rock
Pillar root color Faith)
to many (Lifelong) Apratyakhyan Line in Bone Horn of a Grease | Desha-virati (Partial Up to a (Nonearth ram
renunciatory) one year renunciatory) Pratyakhyana Line in
Sarva-virati (Total Up to 4 (Renunciator sand
line of renunciatory)
months water Sanjvalan Line in Cane Shaving Water Yathäkhyata
Up to 15 (Total water
of wood
(Natural or as days renunciatory)
supposed to be) Nokashäya (subsidiary Kashäya) Subsidiary Kashayas are the Kashäya that helps to bring passions of anger, pride deceit and greed. These Kashayas arise in the form of attachment, hatred, enmity (animosity), hostility, arrogance, craftiness, trickery, lust, greed, possessive propensity (partiality), Laughing (Häsya), improper liking (Rati), improper dislike (Arati), sorrow (Shoka), fear (Bhaya), disgust (Jugupsä) and sensuous craving for males, females or both. They are known as Nokashaya (subsidiary Kashaya). They are responsible to generate and intensify main four Kashayas. Prashasta or praiseworthy Kashaya: In the initial stage of spiritual development, the Jain scripture indicates that some forms of feeling of passions (Kashaya) are considered praiseworthy (Prashasta). For example anger and aversion towards own sinful deeds and negligence, greediness for virtues and spiritual progress, pride for the adherence to the religion and any effort in pursuit of Samyag Darshan, Jnän, and Chäritra are regarded helpful. They are regarded as praiseworthy passions (Prashasta Kashaya). Kashäya and Gunasthänak: