Book Title: $JES 401 Jain Philosophy and Practice 2 Level 4 Book
Author(s): JAINA Education Committee
Publisher: JAINA Education Committee
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one another, but also the binding of the parts of one body with one or two others (e.g. Audärikataijasa-kärman Bandhan).
Integration (Samghätana) - Five
The Samghätana Näm-karma causes the Pudgals of the different bodies to bind to one another; they scrape them together as a rake gathers together grass that is scattered about. According to the 5 bodies, there are 5 Samghätana Näm-karma.
Audärika Samghätana Näm-karma procures the flocking together of the Pudgals of the physical body.
Vaikriya Samghätana Näm-karma procures the flocking together of Pudgals of the transformation body.
Ähäraka Samghätana Näm-karma procures the flocking together of the Pudgals of the translocation body.
Taijasa Samghätana Näm-karma procures the flocking together of the Pudgals of the fiery body. Kärman Samghätana Näm-karma procures the flocking together of the Pudgals of the Kärman body.
Firmness of the joints - (Samghayana) Six
The Samghayana Näm-karma unites the bones of the physical body with one another forming a joint. The bone joints determine the strength and stamina of the body.
Vajra-rishabha-närächa Samghayana Näm-karma gives an excellent joining. Strength of the joint is more as the two bones are hooked into one another; a tack (Vajra) is hammered through the joint; and a band surrounds the whole joint.
Rishabha-närächa Samghayana Näm-karma gives a joint not as firm as the preceding one because the tack is missing.
Närächa Samghayana Näm-karma gives a joint, which is still weaker because the band is missing.
Ardha-närächa Samghayana Näm-karma gives a joint, which on one side is like the preceding one, whilst on the other the bones are simply pressed together and nailed.
Kilikä Samghayana Näm-karma gives a weak joint by which the bones are merely pressed together and nailed.
Sevärta (or Chhedaprstha) Samghayana Näm-karma gives quite a weak joint by which the ends of the bones only touch one another.
The Samghayana plays a great role in Jain doctrine.
Only the first four are the good bone joints (Tattva. IX, 27), and only the best i.e. the first variety of bone joints (Vajra Rishabha-närächa Samghayana) permits the highest kind of meditation which precedes liberation.
Figures (Samsthäna) Six
The Samsthäna Näm-karma determines the stature of a being, that is to say:
Samachaturasra-samsthäna Näm-karma causes the entire body to be symmetrically built. Nyagrodha-parimandala-samsthäna Näm-karma causes the upper part of the body to be symmetrical, but not the lower.
Sädi-samsthäna Näm-karma makes the body below the naval symmetrical and above it unsymmetrical.