Book Title: $JES 401 Jain Philosophy and Practice 2 Level 4 Book
Author(s): JAINA Education Committee
Publisher: JAINA Education Committee
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This Asrava or Influx due to the three types of Yogas can be good and virtuous (Shubha or Punya) or sinful and non-virtuous (Ashubha or Päp). This is determined by the intention behind the activity of body, speech or mind. If the intention is bad being colored by the four passions, Anger, Pride, Deceit and Greed, it shall lead to sinful or bad (Ashubha) Yoga and Asrava and if the intent is good marked by restraint over these passions it will be good or virtuous Yoga (Shubha). As examples we give the following acts which are called good or Shubha or Punya Asrava or beneficent Influx:
Good body yoga Charity, restraint, service. Good speech yoga Truthful, sweet speech. Good mind yoga Wishing well of others in thought, good meditation.
The following are the examples of bad or Ashubha Yoga, or Päp Äsrava:
Bad body yoga Violence, theft etc. Bad speech yoga Falsehood, harsh or hurtful talks.
Bad mind yoga Thinking ill of others. Viewed from another angle it is the attachment (Räga) or hatred, (aversion) (Dvesha) that are the villains of the peace, as they lead to the four passions. It is due to the presence of these villains that Yoga or Asrava of Karma becomes bondage and without these, it does not. When it does not result in Bondage, it is called Iryäpathic Asrava non-affecting) Karma, which departs from the soul as soon as it comes in. The Karmic influx accompanied by attraction or aversion is called Sämparäyika Asrava (affecting influx), which attach the Karma Pudgal with the soul and results in bondage with the soul. The causes of such connecting Influx, Sämparäyika Äsrava are: • Twenty-five types of activities - Including acts of false faith, negligence, attachment etc.
Three Yoga - Activities of Mind, Speech and Body • Five Avirati - Nonobservance of vows of nonviolence, truth, non-theft, sensuous pleasure restraint
and non-possessiveness.
Four Kashaya - anger, pride, deceit & greed. • Five senses - (& their actions) Sense of touch, taste, smell, sight & hearing. To summarize, a soul, which is acting through thought, speech or action under the influence of Passions (Kashaya) will attract Karma that will stick to the soul, just like dust blown by wind sticks to a wet or oily piece of cloth, and will become bondage. This type of Asrava is of the nature of affecting Karma. Another soul acting similarly without Passions (Kashäya) may attract Karma but that Karma will not stick to the soul, just as dust blown by wind to a dry piece of cloth will not stick to it and are known as Nonaffecting Karma. Bondage of Karma It might appear incorrect to say that Karma get attached or retained by the soul as the Karma as we have seen karma are non-conscious, non-living matter and, therefore, a passive agent. Actually, it is the living soul that is the conscious and active agent, which by its vibrations through the acts of body, speech and mind attracts and retains the Karma and binds itself. However, it has to be remembered, that the soul is not a completely free agent (except when in pure state) and is acting under the influence of past Karma with which it has beginningless attachment, and which are in turn guiding its activities as they come to fruition. Further, though the Karma are considered lifeless and non-conscious, due to their attachment with the soul they acquire conscious character and give results. Similarly, though the soul is invisible and