Book Title: $JES 401 Jain Philosophy and Practice 2 Level 4 Book
Author(s): JAINA Education Committee
Publisher: JAINA Education Committee
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maximum and minimum time of this duration varies for different Karma. The maximum duration of Deluding (Mohaniya) Karma is seventy Kroda-krodi Sägaropam. Between the maximum and minimum time, the duration is fixed by different beings by their own acts of omission and commission. The duration (Sthiti) Bondage is however not sacrosanct and in some cases the time of operation of some Karma can be reduced or increased by one's efforts.
Karma Type
Duration Antarmuhurta
Duration 30 KKSO 30 KKSO 30 KKSO 70 KKSO
Jnänävaraniya Darshanävaraniya Antaraya Mohaniya Vedaniya Näm Gotra Äyushya
Knowledge Obscuring Perception Obscuring Obstructive Deluding Karma Feeling Pertaining Body Determining Status Determining Age Determining
30 KKSO 20 KKSO 20 KKSO 33 Sägaropam
Antarmuhurta. 12 Antarmuhurtas. 8 Antarmuhurtas 8 Antarmuhurtas 256 Avalikäs.
KKSO = Krodä-krodi (100,000,000,000,000 = 10E14) Sägaropam Antarmuhurta = Less than 48 minutes For the term KKSO, Antarmuhurta, and Avalikäs, see table of time in Six Universal Substances Anubhäga or Rasa Bandha (Intensity of Results of Karma) How intense the results of Karma are at the time of maturity is decided by the severity of our passions at the time of our activities. If our passions were not intense, then they would cause only slight impact but if our passions were intense, then they would cause severe impact. Dry grass is arid without any juice. However, when a buffalo, or a cow, eats that grass, it undergoes some process of transformation in their digestive system and turns into milk. The milk of the buffalo is thicker and that of the cow is comparatively thinner. Though they eat the same dry grass, it is transformed into milk of different thickness in their stomach. Similarly, the material particles capable of being received by the souls, acquire different flavors on coming in contact with different souls and consequently being assisted by their passions of different degrees. This is called Rasa Bandha or Anubhäga Bandha (bondage in respect intensity of flavor). Bondage and liberation mainly depend on one's mental state. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the consideration as to what type of mental state are associated with the activities we undertake. Ghäti Karma (Destructive Karma) Although it may be said that certain karma produces a certain effect, this must be understood in context that a soul is itself capable of undergoing the change refereed. The karma presence simply triggers this change. Karma can never be more than an efficient cause (Nimitta); the soul itself is the material cause (Upädän) whatever happens to it. Eight types of Karma distort the eight attributes or qualities of the soul. Out of the eight attributes of the soul, four are innate attributes or fundamental qualities.