Book Title: $JES 401 Jain Philosophy and Practice 2 Level 4 Book
Author(s): JAINA Education Committee
Publisher: JAINA Education Committee
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peace or the king of all Karma. It is compared with intoxication and like an intoxicated person the soul under its influence loses power to distinguish between good and bad, right and wrong and goes astray towards false faith and false conduct. Its two main divisions are:
⚫ Faith Deluding Karma (Darshan Mohaniya)
Conduct Deluding Karma (Chäritra Mohaniya). Faith Deluding Karma (Darshan Mohaniya Karma)
Faith Deluding Karma is again divided into three subcategories.
• False Faith Deluding Karma (Mithyätva Mohaniya Karma) Mixed Deluding Karma (Mishra Mohaniya)
Right Faith Deluding Karma (Samyaktva Mohaniya) False Faith Deluding Karma (Mithyätva Mohaniya Karma)
The operation of this Karma results in a complete lack of true faith or positive adherence to a false faith. This depends upon whether the development of the beings enables them the understanding or not. As such, beings like insects, which have no understanding, will suffer from lack of true faith called Anäbhigrahika (Untaught) Bondage. If the beings have developed understanding like human beings and even then, they do not have true faith but also have false faith (belief in false gods, teachers and books), then it will be called Äbhigrahika (Taught) Bondage.
This Karma is so powerful that it brings in its realm all other causes of Bondage of soul namely: Vow less life (Avirati), Negligence (Pramäda), Passion (Kashäya) and inauspicious Yoga (Activities). As such, it completely overpowers and misleads the soul and not only does it vitiate Right faith but also obstructs acquisition of Right knowledge and Right conduct.
Mixed Deluding Karma (Mishra Mohaniya)
The operation of this variety of Karma results in an uncertain or doubtful state of the faith of the soul. This Karma makes the living being swing between false and true doctrine periodically.
Right Faith Deluding Karma (Samyaktva Mohaniya)
The operation of this type of Karma though permitting inclination towards a Right Faith obstructs a high degree of right faith which is necessary to eliminate or suppress false faith completely to pave the way to full realization of the soul's qualities.
Conduct Deluding Karma (Chäritra Mohaniya Karma)
Conduct Deluding (Chäritra Mohaniya) Karma are those which obscure or obstruct Right conduct and are further subdivided into twenty five categories:
• Passion Deluding (Kashaya Mohaniya) - 16
Pseudo passion Deluding (Nokashaya Mohaniya) Karma - 9
Passion Deluding (Kashaya Mohaniya) categories of Conduct Deluding Karma
Passion Deluding (Kashaya Mohaniya) Karma introduces passions in the soul. The four Kashayas or Passions are Anger (Krodha), Ego (Mäna), Deceit (Mäyä) and Greed (Lobha). Each of these passions is of four gradations and all together makes sixteen categories.
The highest grade or extremely severe type, keeps the karma from achieving right faith. Anger, Ego, Deceit and Greed results in such Bondage that the soul has to go through transmigration in the world for an infinite period due to repeated births and deaths. This is called Infinite Bondage and is of four types according to the four passions; Anger, Ego, Deceit and Greed (Anantänu-bandhi Krodha, Mäna, Mäyä