At night when it is time to go to bed, one should go to the east, west, or north. Before going, the ears should be purified by the utterance of Namokkara Mantra or Surimmantra. Closing the ears in order that no words may enter into the ears, he should go to the places where artisans usually stay or in one of the three directions mentioned before. Having done so he should stop at a particular place which should be worshipped with sandalwood, perfume, grains of rice etc.
He should hear, opening the ears, previously closed, the words coming out from some of the buildings of that locality. The words which are heard are of two types. One is that type of words which should be so interpreted as to yield meaning indirectly while the second type is what yields the direct meaning.
The illustrations are these :- -"This pillar will break in five or six days, or within five or six fortnights or in course of a month or in course of a year, or it is very strong or it will soon get broken etc. etc." Now these words heard from the houses of the artisans dwelling in that area have an implied meaning. It means indirectly that the sick person will die within that period in which the pillar is said to get broken. This is an the example of Arthantarapadeshya.
The second type is Sarupopashruti. It yields direct meaning. The illustrations are these :- "This will not go from this place. We will not allow him to go.
Yoga Shashtra
Jain Education International
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