Book Title: Yogashastra of Hemchandracharya
Author(s): Hemchandracharya, Surendra Bothra
Publisher: Prakrit Bharti Academy

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Page 270
________________ यावत् प्रयत्नलेशो यावत्संकल्पकल्पना कापि । तावन्न लयस्यापि प्राप्तिस्तत्त्वस्य का कथा ॥२०॥ Meaning : So long as there is even a trace of concious mundane effort and a flight of desire, the depth of meditation can not be attained; what to talk of the true reality ? यदिदं तदिति न वक्तुं साक्षाद् गुरुणापि हन्त शक्येत । औदासीन्यपरस्य प्रकाशते तत्स्वयं तत्त्वम् ॥२१॥ Meaning : Even the guru is not able to pinpoint that, “this is the ultimate truth”. It is automatically revealed to the yogi who is completely absorbed in desireless meditation. एकान्तेऽतिपवित्रे रम्ये देशे सदा सुखासीनः । प्राचरणाग्रशिखाग्राच्छिथिलीभूताखिलावयवः ॥२२॥ रूपं कान्तं पश्यन्नपि शण्वन्नपि गिरं कलमनोज्ञाम् । जिघ्रन्नपि च सुगन्धीन्यपि भुजानो रसास्वादम् ॥ ३॥ भावान् स्पृशन्नपि मृदूनवारयन्नपि च चेतसो वृत्तिम् । परिकलितौदासीन्यः प्रणष्टविषयभ्रमो नित्यम् ॥२४॥ बहिरन्तश्च समन्तात् चिन्ताचेष्टापरिच्युतो योगी। तन्मयभावं प्राप्तः कलयति भृशमुन्मनीभावम् ।।२५।। चतुभिः कलापकम् Meaning : Selecting a pure, peaceful and remote place, a yogi should sit in a posture wherein he can sit for long hours in meditation, relaxing every part of his body from tip of the toe to crown of the head. In such meditation the yogi remains unattached inspite of seeing beauty, hearing melodious sounds, smelling fragrance, tasting delicacies, touching soft and Twelfth Chapter 257 Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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