to the
Nyayatirtha Nyayavisharada Muni Shri Nayavijayaji Mahārāja, who has sung this Adhyatma tatt valoka, and who has written many other books, is a pions jaina Monk of erudite scholarship. I have had the good fortune of coming in contact with this great soul and all the while I have been impressed with his brillant genius and nobleness of mind. Ho has sacrificed the pleasures of his life for the sacred cause of Religion-Religion not in its narrow compass, but in its widest extent, and in its true essence. His religious views are very liberal, and far from being sectarian and hence appeal to the hearts of people, belonging to different sects He discards all the paraphernalia of Religion, and interprets it as 000 that links together by an immortal chain, the beasts of people at large. He has resorted to the saintly life, it seems, as a consoquence of some inward call of heart incapable of being resisted. The book named "Dinakrandanam" [ The wailings of the helpless is magniloquent of the surges and tuult of his heart, and his exhortations to God, pinned by him in that valuable work, are symbolic of the warbling stream of sympathy and feelings of piety running in the innermost recess of
his heart.
He has a very high capacity of delivering public lectures in a homely and convincing style. Whenever he proceeds to the rostrum to deliver a lecture, as is so highly inspired and transported with joy at having to deliver the sacred message of God, that he forgets himself, and his limbs keep time with
Aho! Shrutgyanam