1. That the Mauryas carried their invasions to the farthest south of India.
2. That they were in hostile occupation of forts in the northern borders of the Tamil land.
3. That the Aryans were beaten back, when the central Mauryan power became feeble, and their dislodgment from the south must be referred to the period which included that of Māmūlanār and others of the third Tamil Aca demy of Madura.
In other words, the learned Professor has attempted to evolve a series of connected events for the Sangam period with te help of contemporary literature, such as Ahanānūru and Purūnanūru and the writings of foreign travellers, and has thus endeavoured to strengthen his old position regarding the age of the third Sangam. "The purpose of this chapter is merely to press for the Professor's reconsideration certain aspects of the Pundit's theory which further can stand the test of true historic criticism. It is not our object to maintain 5th century as the date of the third Sangeom, muchʻless to enunciate new theories regarıling the subject: nevertheless, the attention of scholars should be drawn more prominently to the fact that there are great difficulties to be overcome before Professor Krishnaswami Ayyangar's views regarding South Indian History can be accepted as final. To the subject we shall now revert.
Purpose of this chapter.