Sangam Works.
has in later times come to be traditionally known as the Sangam (5381) age. The works composed by the poets of this period have come down to us arranged in eight collections or anthologies known as (1) 946.51 Cor 20, (2) 15 p pel Goor, (3) 39,5 O 51064, (4) Scaunis 0.00€, (5) Now | 21, (6) ufunzw, (7) B P sulin, , (8) 40617_rDT 21. The poems comprised in each anthology are short muconnected pieces dealing with various situations that may arise in the course of love, in married life, in war and in other affairs of life. There are, besides, word Stingwis the grammar, of old Tamil, supposed to have been written 'oy an author belonging to the second Sangam and 2 puoi 28 OUT (160T, a short work on erotics, said to have been composed by God Parama Siva himself ; these two undoubtedly belong to the same archaic period as the Sangam anthologies. To this list must be added two epic poems சிலப்பதிகாரம் and மணிமேகலை, and a collection of ten long poems known as பத்துப்பாட்டு ; all of these are believed to have been composed by Sangam poets.
“ The late Professor Seshagiri Sastri of the Presidency College appears to have been the first scholar to furnish materials for a rational
discussion of the question of the age of the Gaja bahuSynchronigm.
Sangam works. He drew attention to a statement in the last chapter of Silappadhikāram that king #WQTG of Ceylon was present in