: . EPIGRAPHIA JAINXCA. 93 that may be guru do a prince should be wellborn', 'well charactered,' 'well-learned”.
« (6) Danda is, like medicine, the agency that cures ..the distempers of the state. The objective of Dandanēti is the securing of the welfare of the people. It is never to be used for the acquisition of wealth. The king should not be on the look out for faults in his people, like the quack doctor who makes a living by the exploitation of diseases in his neighbours. If *Danda is misused under the inspiration of ignorance or a lust for wealth or revenge. it alienates the gubjects. The whole state (bounded by the sea) is the family of the king. His wives are just the means of perpetuating his race.......... One man does not slave for another except for wealth. Among all kinds Of wealth, education is the chiefest, for it can never be stolen. Since its quality is to spread itself, it can easily be secured by a king though, in the possession of a lowly person. He to whom such learning becomes propitious possesses insight into everything in the world. Those persons only can be called well learned (and capable), who can teach others what they know (and inspire them with their own enthusiasm)."