Jaina Literary types in AndhraKarnāta Languages.
H. Arithemetic. K. 1. Ganitasutra.
2. Jaina Ganitasutragalu. I. Music.
K. Ratnakarajangala Padajati.
This is, though considerable, yet, a speck in the ocean of Jaina literature. The list is given here just to indicate the variety and standard of Jaina literature, mostly in the Vernacular. How close a relation it bears to Sanskrit cultare may be quite clear froin even a glance at these lists or the names of their authors. Jaina Karnāta literature stands or the attempt of the South Indian genius to reinterpret and express after its own fashion some of the leading themes and ideas of North Indian culture. In this attempt it has evolved for once, some new types of literature, c.g., the Champu, Sandhi Nompi and Katha (Yakshagāna). The Champu and Yakshagāna types are common to Kannada and Telugu literatures. In fact they niust originally have come into voguc in Telugu literature through the influence of Kannada. The Champu had developed in Kannada a curious fusion of Sansk it and Vernacular which is known as Manipravāla style, and its respectability and patronage in the Vengi mandala of the Andhra dēsa (vide Pampa's Adi Purana) a century before Nannaya, must have largely influenced the formation of the Telugu literary dialect which Nan saya had used as the vehicle of the Telugu Mahābhārata. The Yakshagāna