Progress in the discovery of Andhra-Karnāta Jaina epigraphs-Bearing of the progress of epigraphy on the materials of the last chapter-Places at which Jaina epigraphs have been found-Main indication-Difference between the Andhra and the Andhra-Karnāta epigraphs -More numerous in the Andhra-Karnāta than in the Andhra districts - Scope for further enquiries—Regions in the Andhra dēsa awaiting exploration-Difference between the Hindu Revival in the Andhra and the Andhra-Karnāta districts in its bearing on the fortunes of Jainism-Tabulation (classified) of Andhra-Karnāta Jaina epigraphs and a few points of further interest brought out-Jainism and its antiquity in the AndhraKalinga country.
Epigraphic Research in the South Indian Presidency is still in a state of continuous progress., Yet, so far as it has succeeded in interpreting the memorial epigraphs of the past, it has proved in a considerable measure the validity of the traditions of the Local Records relied upon as the chief materials for the foregoing survey, in outline, of the meaning and message of the social tradition of the Jainas in the Andhra and Karnāta mandalas. The District Manuals and Gazetteers largely trusted' to the guidance of these local traditions in the conduct of further enquiries and their light never proved illusory. In and about the centres