there for death through fasting. On the way he visits the residence of the queen (itthi-narinda). After his sermon she too with her retinue resolves to embrace monachism, and joins the party. On the hill is to take place the great confession, and the teacher reminds the ex-queen that she would have to confess also the fact that she had once looked on him with sinful desire. She does not so frankly admit it with the result that she has to undergo many existences. A cowherd woman commands Sujjhasiri to come with her, and in exchange for that supplies the family daily with milk. At last the famine is over and Sujjhasiva, Sujjhasiri's father, comes back as a rich man. He notices the beautiful girl, and not knowing that she is his own daughter, takes her to be his wife. After giving proof of his affluence to the cowherd woman, he takes the girl home and lives with her happily. Sujjhasiri then relates to Sujjhasiva the story of her birth. Sujjhasiva is ordained a monk and afterwards becomes a kevalin.
Everyone has to expiate his own crime. But annihilation is effected by the control of functions, not through time. In time karman is not only annihilated, but also bound down. He who controls the functions, has to doubt to taste the result of previous karman, but gathers to new one. should not allow oneself to be guilty of negligence, then the karman vanishes.
Sujjhasiri is pregnant with Sujjhasiva's child. She has therefore to begin her penance after child-birth. But she resolves to destroy her child and dies immediately after the birth. She is assigned to the sixth region of hell. The boy, whom she has exposed, is saved by a potter who, with the assistance of his wife, brings him up and names him Susadha after his own father. Later Susadha becomes a monk but on account of his infringement of the law of self-discipline, due to his imperfect knowledge, he is born repeatedly.