Book Title: Some Jaina Canonical Sutras
Author(s): Bimla Charn Law
Publisher: Royal Asiatic Society

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Page 117
________________ KALPA SUTRA 103 When he died at Pāvā, the eighteen confederate kings nine Mallakis and nine Licchavis instituted an illumination. These nine Licchavis paid tribute to Cetaka, king of Vaiśālī, who was the maternal uncle of Mahāvira. The Jaina Kalpasūtra refers to these nine branches of the Mallas. It is not yet possible to collect the names of all these branches. The Kalpasūtru ($147) definitely records that Mahāvīra lived 30 years as a householder, more than 12 years in a state inferior to perfection, less than 30 years as a Kevalin, 42 years as a recluse, and 72 years on the whole. In the Aupapātiku Sūtra (Sec. XVI) be is praised as the over-lord of the kingdom of righteousness. He with th permission of his elder brother, fulfilled his promise of going out to establish the religion of the Law which benefits all beings in the whole world. Mahavira had an excellent community of 14,000 monks headed by Indrabhūti, 36,000 s headed by Candanā, 159,000 lay votaries headed by Sankhaśataka, and 318,000 female lay votaries headed by Sulasă and Revati. The Kalpasūtru refers to Indrabhūti, a disciple of Mahā. vira, who also bears the name of Gotamasvāmi or Gotama.? The same sūtru points out that Rsabla is believed to have lived for 8,400,000 pūrvu years while Pārýva and Mahāvira lived for 100 and 72 year's respectively. The Kalpasūtra5 further points out that Nemi attained the age of 1,000 years. There was a dispute between Kālāsa vesiyaputta, a follower of Pārýva, and a disciple of Mahāvira. Mahāvīra had nine ganas and eleven ganudharus. Some of the well-known Jain monks were Indrabhūti, Agnibhūti, and Vāyubhūti, each of whom instructed 500 śrumaņas. Some of the famous sthavirus were Aryavyakta of the Bharudvāja gotra, Arya Sudharman of Agnivesyāyana gotra, Mandikaputra of the Vāśisthu gotra and Mauryaputra of the Kāśyapa gotra, besides Akampita, Acalabhrāts, Metārya and Prabhāsa. I Kulpasūtra. $128: jam rrymim ca nam smane Bhagavum Muhāvīre jūru savun-dukkhu-ppahine, tam rayunim ca nam nara Mallai nata Lecchai, KāsiKosulagā atthūrasa vi gana-rāyāno anuīvasie pārābhoyan posahormisani patthavaimsu; 'gae se bhūr' -ujjoe, davv'-ujjoyam kurissimo. 2 kalpasūtra, secs. 110 111: Samane bhagavam Mahatire dakkhe dukkhapainne Padiruve allinc bhadılue vinie nāc nàyu putte nüyakulacande lidche l'idehadinne Vinchajucce l'idehusamüle tisam vāsim l'idchumsikattu ammā ihim devattugrehim qurumahatturuchim ablihanunnūte saattapainne prinaraviloyanti chim jiyakappi-ehim .... Cum vayisi (Kalpasūtru, Dhanput Singh's Ed., Pp. 64-65). 3 Ed. Jacobi, p. 1. + Kalasutra, $227, 168 and 147. 5 lbid.. $182. 6 Cf. Bhagavati nutra, katuka I, sutra 76.


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