good qualities are able to save themselves and others." Vijayaghosa spoke to Jayaghosa with folded hands: 'You have well declared to me what true Brahmanhood consists in. You are a sacrificer of sacrifices. You are the most learned of those who know the Vedas. You know Jyotiṣānga. You know the Law perfectly well.' Vijayaghosa requested him to accept alms. Jayaghosa replied thus: 'I don't want any alms but Oh Brahmana, enter the Order at once lest you should be drifted about on the dreadful ocean of the samsara whose eddies are dangerous. The fools who love pleasures will be fastened to karma but the passionless will not.' Vijayaghosa learnt the excellent Law from Jayaghosa and then he entered the Order. Jayaghosa and Vijayaghosa both destroyed their karma by self-control and penance and reached perfection.1
King Nami 2 remembering his former birth became an exalted Buddha and he retired from the world after placing his son on the throne. After having enjoyed pleasures he became enlightened and gave up his pleasures. After having given up the town and country of Mithila, his army, women and his retinue, he retired from the world and went to a lonely place. In the opinion of Nami, men frequently apply punishment wrongly, the innocent are put in prison and the perpetrators of the crime are set at liberty. One will be the greatest conqueror, if he can conquer himself. He who conquers himself obtains happiness. It will be better if he can control himself, no matter whether he gives alms or not. It is difficult to satisfy a greedy man for his avidity is boundless like space. One should practise austerities. Pleasures are the thorn that rankles, pleasures are poison, pleasures are like a venomous snake. He who is desirous of pleasures will not get them and will come to a bad end at last. He will sink with anger, he will go down through pride and delusion, he will block up his path, he will incur dangers through greed. A saint is praised for his simplicity, humility, perfect patience and perfect liberation.
1 Uttaradhyayana, XXV, 44-45:
Evam se Vijayaghose Jayaghosassa antic \ anagarassa nikkhanto dhammam socca anuttaram || Kharitta pubbakammaim samjamena tavena ja Jayaghosa Vijayaghosa siddhim patta anuttaram
2 Cf. Jacobi, Ausgewählte Evzählungen in Maharastri. Leipzig. 1886, Pp. 41 ff. Uttara., IX.
Capital of Videha which is identical with ancient Tirabhukti (modern