of two kinds: those still belonging to the samsvīru and the Werfected sous. The perfected souls have no visible form. They are developed into knowledge and faith and they possess paramount happiness. Living beings are of two kinds: movable and immovable. The earth-lives are of two kinds: subtile and gross. The subtile carth is but of one kind as there is no variety. Plants are of two kinds: subtile and gross. There are three kinds of immovable living beings and three kinds of movable beings. The fire-lives are of two kinds: subtile and gross ones. Denizens of hells are of seven kinds according to the seven hells. Animals are of three kinds: aquatic, terrestrial, and aerial. Those souls who cherish wrong views, who commit sins and kill living beings, will not reach enlightenment at the time of death. Those who cherish right views, do not commit sins and are enveloped in white leśyā, will reach enlightenment at the time of death. Those who love the creed of the Jinas and piously practise it, will be pure and free from passions and will in due time get out of the circle of births. Miserable men who do not know the creed of the Jinas will many times commit unholy suicide and die against their will. Those who lo well versed in the sacred lore and possess much knowledge, who awaken picty in others and appreciate the good qualities, are worthy to hear the doctrine of salvation. Those who practise spells and besmear their bodies with ashes for the sake of pleasure realize the ābhiyogiku-bhāvanā.' Those who use weapolis, cat poison, throw themselves into fire and water and use things not prescribed by the rules of conduct, are liable to be born and to die again and again.
If a monk is positive in his assertions, if he is malicious, egoistical, greedy and without self-discipline, if he is always unkind, if he does not share with others, then he is called ill-behaved.2 If he is always humble, steady, free from deceit, if he is not proud of his learning, if he listens to friendly advice, if he does not speak ill of his friend behind his back, if he is enlightened, polite, decent, and quiet, the called well-behaved.3 Monks will go to the highest place after their karma has been annihilated.4
He who adopts the law in the intention to live as a monk should live in company with other monks, upright and free from desires. Free from love he should live as a model of righteousness, abstaining from sins and versed in the sacred
1 Tho Abhiyogidcvas aro genii who serve the gods. This bhāvunā leads one to birth as an übhiyogi devu. Uttarādhyayana, XXXVI; Juina Sūtrus, II, p. 231.
2 Ullurūdhyayaru, XI, 9. 3 Ibid., XI, 7-13. 4 Ibid., XI, 31.