Book Title: Scientific Secrets of Jainism
Author(s): Nandighoshvijay
Publisher: Research Institute of Scientific Secrets from Indian Oriental Scriptures Ahmedabad
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Black Holes: Imaginary Ideas Of Their Structure
pannattā, tam jahā - acci, accimāli, vatirōaņē, pabhankarē, candābhē, sūrābhē, supaiṭṭhābhe, aggiccābhē 3.ētēsu namaṭṭhasu lõgantitavimāņēsu aṭṭhavidhā lōgantitā dēvā pannattā, tam jahā - särasatamaiccä vanhi varuṇā ya gaddatōyā ya. tusitā avvābāhā aggicca ceva bōddhavvā.. 1.. 23
'Above the third and the fourth worlds of the gods namely Sanatkumāra and Mahendra and below the fifth world of gods namely Brahmalōka, there are eight Kṛṣṇarājis in the shape of square dies i.e. Akṣa (38). They are as follows:
There are two Kṛṣṇarāji in each of four directions, east, south, west and north. The inward Kṛṣṇarāji in the east and the outward Kṛṣṇarāji in the south, touch each other. The inward Kṛṣṇarāji in the south touches the outward Kṛṣṇarāji in the west. The inward Kṛṣṇarāji of the west touches the outer Kṛṣṇarāji of the north. The outward Kṛṣṇarājis of the east and the west are hexagonal - six sided. The outer Kṛṣṇarājis of the north and south are triangleshaped. The inward Kṛṣṇarājis of all sides are square-shaped. Their names are Kṛṣṇarāji, Mēgharāji, Maghā, Māghavati, Vātapaligha, Vātapalighōkṣōbha, dēvaparigha, Dēvaparighōkṣōbha. Between them there are heavenly abodes of the eight Lōkāntika gods namely Arci, Arcimāli, Vairōcana, Prabhankara, Candraprabha, Sūryābha, Supratiṣṭhabha, Agnitōya (Sukrābha). The havenly abodes of Lōkāntika gods of the ninth kind namely, Riṣṭa, are the highest of all. The names of Lōkāntika gods living in them are Sārasvata, Aditya, Vahni, Aruna (Varuna), Gardatōya, Tusita, Avyābādha and Āgnēya (Marut)."
Kṛṣṇarāji contains and embodiment of darkness. According to Jain scriptures, when a special kind of gods hide themselves, in the Kṛṣṇarāji, nobody can find them. They almost disappear.
Mr. Nirajanbhai N. Vakharia in his book "Cosmological Truths of Ancient Indian Religions, Jainism and Hinduism", shows positively that Kṛṣṇarāji itself is the blackhole. Comparing them he writes:
(1) As the black-hole curves the space according to Einstein's General Theory of Relativity (GTR), so Tamaskāya and kṛṣṇarāji attract and curve a large portion of space and ultimately, it gets transformed into a black-hole.
(2) Nobody can enter Kṛṣṇarāji or the black-hole except through a special
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