Book Title: Scientific Secrets of Jainism
Author(s): Nandighoshvijay
Publisher: Research Institute of Scientific Secrets from Indian Oriental Scriptures Ahmedabad
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Scientific Secrets of Jainism
means to be in synchrony with oneself physically and mentally and also with the surrounding world. When a person is out of synchrony, illness is likely to occur.” 29
Good vibrations which are by nature antithetical to vibrations which are harmful to the mind and the body, improve mental and physical health.
Since our mind is influenced by various modes of music, music has great effect on our physical health. Since ancient times the music therapy has been shown in Ayurvēda with the help of Gāndharvavēda, Sage Caraka, the promulgator of Ayurvēda gives in the sixth chapter of his work, entitled 'Siddhisthāna' a detailed description of medical uses of music. The whole Gāndharvavēda fully deals with the science of sound. Our classical and quasi-classical modes of music themselves are scientific form of these sound waves. These sound waves have a direct effect on gas, bile and mucus in our body. The book entitled 'Sangita Svarāmộta' states:
उच्चस्तरो ध्वनिः रूक्षो, विज्ञेयो वातजो बुधैः । गम्भीरो घनशीलश्च, ज्ञातव्यो पित्तजो बुधैः ।। स्निग्धश्च सुकुमारश्च, धुरः कफजो ध्वनिः । त्रयाणां गुणसंयुक्तो, विज्ञेयो सन्निपातजः ।। 30 ucсaistaro dhvanih rūksā, vijñeyā vātajā budhaih. gambhiro ghanasilasca, jñātavyö pittajā budhain .. snigdhaśca sukumā rasca, dhurah kaphajo dhvanih . trayānām gunasamyukto, vijñēyo sannipātajah ..
Sound waves of high intensity are dry and they are product of gas. Deep and thick sound waves are product of bile. Soft, smooth and melodious waves are product of mucus. The sound waves which have all these three qualities are called a combined derangement. What effects these sound waves produce on the body, is not shown here.
Very loud sound waves of as high intensity as 100 to 110 decibels are mostly produced by loudly beating drums of bands. Perhaps most of that if we are standing behind drums of a band, we feel as if hammers are beaten on our bellies and such sound waves produce fear and uneasiness in us. These sound waves have a very great amplitude. According to the Jain philosophical contention, these sound waves have a very large number of groupings of particles of speech i.e. paramāņu-units of Bhāşā -Vargaņā.
in the last three verses of Sri Ajitaśānti Stõtra compiled by Muni śri Nandişēna of Jain Svētāmbara sect.mentioned the importance of chanting
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