Book Title: Scientific Secrets of Jainism
Author(s): Nandighoshvijay
Publisher: Research Institute of Scientific Secrets from Indian Oriental Scriptures Ahmedabad
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Appendix No. III
Glossary Index of Jain Technical Terms
जैन पारिभाषिक शब्दसूची 31-12TH (1557) agnityābha
and south-west directions (sukrābha) - One kind of अर्धनाराच ardhanārāca - gods/divine bodies out of Fourth type of bone-joint nine gods
interlocking the bones on 318in aghātikarma - The one side and a pin through
karmas that do not cover the both bones main properties of the soul Hentett adhōlōka - Lower like etc.
portion of the universe ufan acitta - Nonliving /
37EZTORITZ adhyavasāya - 1. nonsetient
Thoughts 2. Fillings 37Tots aththāi - 1. Group of
31ha anantakāya - See eight or nine sacred days 2. साधारण वनस्पतिकाय Penance like fasts of eight
Sādhāraņa Vanaspatikāya days
3779? da anuttara dēva - 31101i animā - A labdhi i.e.
Highest quality of gods capacity to make one's body having highest happiness micro like anu
He antarmuhūrtta - Jules aņuvrata - Five vows, Time less then 1 muhūrtta out of twelve vows for a
i.e. any time from two layperson
time-units (samayas) to 48 30Su andaja - Animals and minutes less one time unit birds that reproduce
37 Foligi antarajāta - Third through eggs
type of sound from four uffyg atiśaya - Excellent
types of sound described in qualities of Tirthankaras
Jain scriptures 3er (3erhiffronty) adharma अन्तरायकर्म antarāyakarma - (adharmāstikāya) - A
One type of karma that medium for rest
causes unsuccess in any act अधिधर्मा (अहिधर्मा) adhidharmā अन्धकार andhakāra - Darkness (ahidharmā) - A
or absence of light sub-direction between west 379g aparatua - Nearness
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