Book Title: Scientific Secrets of Jainism
Author(s): Nandighoshvijay
Publisher: Research Institute of Scientific Secrets from Indian Oriental Scriptures Ahmedabad
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Appendix II Index of Scientific Terms 63,109,111, 205,208,214
67,68,71,74 Geology 158
Neutron star 53,55, 67,68,71 Gravitational force 13,50,51,52, 53, Nitrogen 252,302
55,58,61,62,63,64, 67,69, 109,110, Non-mechanical waves 25
111,177,208,209,211, 212,213, 214, Nucleus 31,162 Heterotrophs 159
Octave 168,169,172 Hydrochloric acid (HCL) 278, 279
Odd number 91,93 Hydrogen (H2) 158, 235
Oxygen 78,144,145,150,158,234, Infrared rays 64,67,73,77
235,262,264,274,302 Infrasonic waves 33,74,174
Ozone 139,158 Interference 20,31,33,44,45,46,47, 48,84 Particle theory 19,20,21,22,23,24, Interval 3,4,5,138,146,168,169, 274,275
31,32,44, lodine 152
Phobos 50,69 lonization 290
Phosphorus 278 Iron 21,229,278
Photo-electric Effect 24,28,31,43, 44, Irrational number 94,115
73,84 Isotope 139, 293
Photon 3,4,5,6,10,11,13,16,17, 24, Jet lag 265
25,26,27,32,34,36,37,39,40,42,43 Kinetic energy 17,25,66
Photosynthetic 159 Lacto-bacillus 278
Pin 90,94,101,115,117,118,119, Lactose 278, 279
134,135,136,142 Latitude 130
Pole 129,130,140,230,254,256,257 Lecithin 252
Polyneucleotides 158,163 Longitude 130
Polypeptides 158 Magnesium 278
Positron 11,34,43 Magnet 21,80,229,230,256
Prime number 93 Magnetic force/force line/field/pole
Protein 158, 278 21,25,28,31,37,80,176,192,217, Proteinoids 158,163 229,230,254,256,258,259
Proton 11,27,31,34,44,55,71,74, 235, Mass 3,4,5,6,9,12,13,17,18,26,27.
Protoplasm 162 36,43,47,50,51,52,62,63,64,65,
Pseudopodia 256 66,67,69,70,71,73,110,188,208, Quantum theory/statistics/ mechanics 209,213,214,224,288
23,24,25,31,32, 73, Mechanical waves 25
84,206,207,211,225, 226, 242 Meson 43
Quark 11, 27, 34,74 Mesozoic 151
Radiating 206,208,209,212,213, 214 Methane gas (CH) 158,163
Radiation 22,23,24,31,39,42,67, Momentum = my 26,28,43,47, 214,224
139,153,206,207,209,211,214 Multicellular 144,145,154,
Radio-active 139 Natural number 91,92,93,94
Radio telescope 49, 60, 67,127 Negative number 6, 93,95,106,107
Rational number 94 Neutron 11,27,31,34,43,44,53,55,
Real number 94, 95
Rennin 278 Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only
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