Book Title: Scientific Secrets of Jainism
Author(s): Nandighoshvijay
Publisher: Research Institute of Scientific Secrets from Indian Oriental Scriptures Ahmedabad
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332 jaufe mumhapatti - A mouth
cloth TET muhūrtta - 48 minutes horrifor mēgharāji - 1. A name
of Nāraki 2. Second Krsnarāji out of eight Krşņarājis 5 mēru - Central mountain in
Jambūdvipa Ha mākṣa - Emancipation मोहनीय कर्म mohaniya karma
- Infatuating karma मौन(मानस) जाप
mauna(mānasa) jāpa - Repetition of mantras without
even a little noise USHTRUT) yatanā(jayaņā)
- Doing every thing with care that any living being should
not hurt through the action yhi yõgi - A saint el yöni - 1. Types of birth
places 2: Female
reproductive organ Pracht raktavati - A name of
river of Airavata in
Jambūdvipa Pihi raktā - A name of river of
Airavata in Jambūdvipa Pula Puc) rajju(rājalūka)
- 14th part of height of universe according to
Jainism Myhi ratnaprabhā - The
name of the first hell prich ramyak - A section of
Scientific Secrets of Jainism Jambūdvipa fe rişta - One kind of
gods/divine bodies out of
nine Lõkāntika gods of rukmi - A name of
mountain in Jambūdvipa 5665 yagt rucaka pradēśa - 1.
Eight space points located in the centre of the universe 2. Eight most micro-units of soul that are totally free from
karma afegi laghimā - A 'labdhi'
potentiality to make body too
much lighter Afshar laghuhimavān - A
name of mountain in
Jambūdvipa af labdhi - An extrasensory
power, Miraculous power Ou mus lavaņa samudra - The ocean around the
Jambūdvipa la lõka - The Universe
191 lõkākāśa - Universal space, Cosmic space ther lõmāhāra - Food taken
through hairs and skin वज्रऋषभनाराच
vajrarṣabhanārāca - First type of bone joint, interlocking the bones on both sides,streghtened with
plate and pin वनस्पतिकाय vanaspatikāya .
Plant kingdom
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