Book Title: Scientific Secrets of Jainism
Author(s): Nandighoshvijay
Publisher: Research Institute of Scientific Secrets from Indian Oriental Scriptures Ahmedabad
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presiding deity. Its intensity is also very low.
The second kind of Jāpa namely speechles Jāpa, uses the constituent units of paramāņus of Bhāṣā Vargaṇā and its speed is 330metres / sec.. Still however this kind of Jāpa produces inaudible sound waves. Generally, we can hear sound waves only of a certain frequency. Sound waves having frequency 20 to 20,000 are audible. Sound waves having more frequency than 20,000, cannot be grasped by the ear. Therefore, ultrasonic waves of a high frequency produced in speechless Jāpa have a considerable energy." That is why speechless Jāpa is better than spoken Jāpa.
Scientific Secrets of Jainism
Mānasa Jāpa is the best of all. It has only the constituent units of paramāņus of Manō Vargaṇā. It has the largest number of particles and its velocity is also highest. Since the waves produced by mānasa (mental) Jāpa have the highest frequency, their energy canot be imagined. Since the waves of Manasa Jāpa have a far greater velocity and a far larger number of paramāņus than the electromagnetic waves of taijas Vargaṇā, they have infinite energy. Really speaking, this Jāpa does not at all use speech. It is, therefore, also called ajapā-Jāpa, a Jāpa without utterance and it is natural and auotmatic. Only the mind is used in this Jāpa.
In conclusion, I pray, "May all living beings fulfil their desires through mänasa Jāpa, engage in meditation of the Dēvādhidēva i.e. great God and ultimately attain eternal bliss.
1. Dharmasangraha part-1, Gujarati Translation p. 347.
2. ध्याता ध्येयं तथा ध्यानं त्रयमेकात्मतां गतम् । इति ते योगमाहात्म्यं कथं श्रद्धीयतां परैः ।। dhyātā dhyēyam tatha dhyānam trayamēkātmatām gatam. iti tē yōgamāhātmyam katham śraddhiyatām paraiḥ ..
(Vitarägastōtra, prakāśa-14)
3. Dharmasangraha part-1 Gujarati Translation p. 346.
4. lbidem
5. Quantum Mechanics by P. M. Mathews & K.Venkatesan p. 2
6. Ibdem p. 7
Jain Education International
7. Detailed information of these Vargaṇās is given in the commentary of Śri Acārāngasūtra, The Pañcasañgraha, The Karma-Prakṛti. Readers may read it in
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