Book Title: Scientific Secrets of Jainism
Author(s): Nandighoshvijay
Publisher: Research Institute of Scientific Secrets from Indian Oriental Scriptures Ahmedabad
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Prohibition Of Fresh Vegetables On Parva-Tithis:
सावियाए साहुणा साहुणीए वा अन्नेण वा जीवेणं तवो विहाणाई धम्माणुट्ठाणं सुहपरिणामेणं कायव्वं !
parvāṇi santi sarvajñairbhāṣitāni jināgamē ..264.. sāmvatsaram caturmāsatrayam căştāhnikādvayam. māsagam parvaşatkam vā, pakşagā pañcaparvyapi ..265.. ētēşu niraticāra-pañcācāraparo naraḥ śubham parabhavāyuşkam, badhnāti śubhakarma ca ..266..
yaduktam mahāniśithē - bhayavam ! biyā pamuhāsu pavvatinisu vihiyam dhammānutthānam kim phalam havai ? göyamā ! bahu phalam havai . jamhā ēyāsu pawatinisu pāēņam jivo parabhavāuyam kammam samajaņai, tamhā sāvaēņam sāviyãē sāhuņā sāhuniē vā annēņa vā jivēņam tavā vihāņāim dhammānutthāņam suhapariņāmēņam kāyavam.
"In Āgama scriptures, Omniscient Tirthankaras have enumerated parvas thus : six eight-day-festivals which are as under: 1. The Paryusaņā festival, 2, 3, 4. three eight-day-festivals of the month of Kārtika, Phāgana and Āsādha, 5-6. two eternal (śāśvati) eight-day-festivals (though they contain nine days) of months Caitra and Āśvina. These are all called Atthai i.e. eight-day-festivals. There are six parva-tithis in a month or five parva-tithis in a fortnight, ten parva-tithis in a month. On these auspicious days, a human being perhaps acquires the life-span for next birth and other auspicious karma for the next birth.
It is said in the Mahānisithasūtra, "O Lord! What is the result of observing religious rules on parva-tithis such as the second day etc. of each fortnight etc.?
Gautama ! The result attained is great. A living being probably binds āyuşya (life-span) of the next birth on these days of parva-tithis. Laymen, laywomen, monks and nuns should therefore, perform penance etc. with auspicious thoughts."
In the same scripture, there is a further verse as under : द्वितीयाद्याः पञ्च पक्षे, मासे षट् तिथयोऽथवा | सावद्यारम्भसच्चित्तत्यागं तास्वेव भावयेः ।। dvitiyādyāḥ pañca paksē, māsē sat tithayö'thavā . sāvadyārambhasaccittatyāgam tāsvēva bhāvayāḥ .. "On the five parva-tithis (the second-day etc.) in a fortnight or ten parva
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