Book Title: Scientific Secrets of Jainism
Author(s): Nandighoshvijay
Publisher: Research Institute of Scientific Secrets from Indian Oriental Scriptures Ahmedabad
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Mathematics' gives 16 formulae in Sanskrit based on ancient Vēdas. These formulae are very significant. If the sūtras are very well understood and properly used, they can be very easily used for solving problems of any branch of mathematics.
References to these formulae or sūtras shown in "The Vaidic mathematics are also found in ancient Jain scriptures. In the commentary on the Jain Agama entitled 'Sri Nandisutra", the functions of these sūtras are described as 'parikarma'. The context of the scripture is as under: सूत्रादि- पूर्वगतानुयोगसूत्रार्थग्रहणयोग्तासम्पादन समर्थानि परिकर्माणि यथा गणितशास्त्रेसङ्कलनादीन्याद्यानि षोडश परिकर्माणि, शेषगणित सूत्रार्थग्रहणे योग्यतासम्पादनसमर्थानि यथा गणितशास्त्रे गणितशास्त्रगताद्यषोडशपरिकर्मगृहीतसूत्रार्थः सन् शेषगणितशास्त्रग्रहणयोग्यो भवति नान्यथा, तथागृहीतविवक्षितपरिकर्मसूत्रार्थः सन् शेषसूत्रादिरूपदृष्टिवादश्रुतग्रहणयोग्यो भवति, नेतरथा, तथा चोक्तं चूण्ण
Scientific Secrets of Jainism
परिकर्मेति योग्यताकरण जहा गणियरस सोलस परिकम्मा, तग्गहियसुत्तत्थो सेसगणियस्स जोगो भवइ एवं गहियपरिकम्मसुत्तत्थो सेससुत्ताइ दिट्ठिवायस्स जोगो भवइति । "
"sūtrādi-pūrvagatānuyōgasūtrārthagrahaṇayōgtāsampādanasamarthāni parikarmāņi yathā gaṇitaśāstrē – sarikalanādinyādyāni ṣāḍaśa parikarmāņi, śēṣaganitasūtrārthagrahaṇē yōgyatāsampādanasamarthāni yathā gaṇitaśāstrē ganitaśāstragatãdya ṣoḍaśaparikarmagṛhitasūtrarthaḥ śēṣaganitaśāstragrahaṇayōgyō bhavati, nanyatha, tathāgṛhitavivakṣitaparikarmasūtrārthaḥ san sēṣasūtrādinupa dṛṣṭivadaśrutagrahaṇayōgyō bhavati, nētaratha, tatha cōktam cürnnau
parikarmēti yōgyatākaraṇa - jahā gaṇiyassa sōlasa parikammā, taggahiyasuttatt hö sesaganiyassa jōgō bhavai ēvam gahiyaparikammasuttatthō sēsasuttai ditthivayassa jōgō bhavai tti.
Jain Education International
(Commentary on Nandisūtra by Malayagiri published by Agamōdaya Samiti, Surat, p.238)
Also in the Nandisūtra Cūrṇi (in the Prakrit language) which was written earlier than the aforementioned commentary on the Nandisūtra, these references are found. This means that ancient Jain Acaryas were well-versed in various branches of mathematics. It will be pertinent here to note that these sutras are said to belong to the Vaidic mathematics not simply because they are found in Vēdas but it should be accepted that
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