Book Title: Sanskrit English Dictionary Part 02 Author(s): P K Gode, C G Karve Publisher: Prasad Prakashan View full book textPage 6
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra -πa. 838 ख : The sun. खम् 1 The sky; खं केशवोऽपर : 5. 2; Make: à ai f Ku. 3. 72; Me. 9.-2 Heaven. -3 Organ of sense; खानि व्यतृणत्स्वयंभूस्तमात्पराड् पश्यति नान्तरात्मन् Kath. 2.1.1. - A city. 5 A field. 6 A cypher. 7 A dot, an anusvara. -8 A cavity, an aperture, hollow, hole; fangfa Ms. 9.43.-9 An aperture of the human body; (of which there are 9, i. e. the mouth, the two ears, the two eyes, the two nostrils, and the organs of excretion and generation ); खानि चैव स्पृशेदद्भिः Ms. 2. 60, 53; 4. 144; Y. 1. 20; cf. Ku. 3. 50. -10 A wound. -11 Happiness, pleasure. -12 Tale. -13 Action. -14 Knowledge. -15 Brahman. -16 The glottis (in anatomy). -17 The tenth mansion from any given constellation or the sun's entrance into it. 1 A well, fountain. -2 A river. -3 Parvati. -4 The earth. - Laksmi. 6 The speech; cf. Eni. Comp.: (s) 1 a planet. -2 Rahu, the ascending node. - an epithet of the Ganges. -3h, len 1 a meteor. -2 a planet. -3 N. of the sun. 'आदित्यः a form of the sun. - उल्मुकः the planet Mars. ft N. of Durga. N. of Siva. से आकाशे गच्छति गम्-ड ] moving in the airs आरुह्यतामयं शीघ्रं खगो रत्नविभूषितः Rām. 3. 42.7. ( -गः ) 1 a bird; erga N. 2. 2; Ms. 12. 63. -2 air, wind ; तमांसीव यथा सूर्यो वृक्षानग्निर्घनान्खगः Mb. -3 the sun. -4 a planet ; eg आपोक्किमे यदि खगाः स किलेन्दुवारः Tv. 5 a grass-hopper. -6 a deity. 7 an arrow; आशीविषाभान् खगमान् प्रमुञ्चन् Mb. 8.67 2. 'अधिप: an epithet of Garuda हर्षयन्विबुधानीकमारुरोह समाधिपम् Bhag. 8. 4. 26. अन्तकः a hawk, falcon अभिरामः an epithet of Siva. : 1 the eastern mountain on which the sun rises. 2 an epithet of Visnu., :, af: opi thets of Garuda . ज्ञानेन वैयासकिशद्वितेन भेजे खगेन्द्रध्वजपादमूलम् Bhāg. 'वती f. the earth. स्थानम् 1 the hollow of a tree. 2 a bird's nest. - celestial Gangā. -fa: f. 1 flight in the air. -2 the motion of a planet. -3 a metre of 4 × 16 syllables. a. moving in the air, flying (as the Gandharvas or missile weapons). ( -मः ) a bird. ( खे) गमनः a kind of gallinulo. -गुण. having a cypher as a multiplier. : the celestial sphere. °विद्या astronomy. -चमसः the moon. --चर a. flying, moving in the air. (-) or a 1 a bird. -2 a cloud. -3 the sun. -4 the wind. 8 a demon. -6 an aerial spirit. -7 a Gandharva or Vidyadhara खचरनगरकल्पं कल्पितं शास्त्रदृष्टया Mb. 7.7.54; दिव्यस्रग्वस्त्रसन्नाहाः Bhg. 10. 82.9. -8 a planet. (hence the number nine'). -9 mercury or quicksilver. -10 a sign of the zodiac. (i. e. a) 1 a semi-divine female able to fly. 2 an opithet of Durga. 3 The ....... Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir खजिका magionl power of Bying (सिद्धि ) एवं सखीभिरा खेचर सिद्धिलोलुभा Ks. 20. 105. -4 a particular मुद्रा or positic of fingers. - a. moving in the air. (-m.) a epithet of Skanda. -sky-water', dew, rai frost &c. fae m. a firefly. : 1 a clou -2 smoke. -fc: the sun, -a: 1 a firefly खद्योतालीविलसितनिभां विद्युदुन्मेषदृष्टिम् Me. 83. - 2 the su - द्योतनः the sun. -धूपः a rocket; मुमुचुः खधूपान् Bk. 3. - darkness. -g 'sky-flower', used figurativel to denote anything impossible, an impossibility; cf. th four impossibilities stated in this verse:- मृगतृष्णाम्भ स्नातः शशशधनुर्धरः । एष बन्यासुतो याति पुष्पकृतशेख Subhās. —–बाष्प: dew, frost. -भ्रमः a planet. -भ्रान्ति a falcon. : the jewel of the sky', the su -मीलनम् sleepiness, lassitude मूर्तिः an epithet Siva; a celestial body or person; Ms. 2.82. -arft rain-water, dew &c. : snow, hoar-frost. -T (also खेशय) a resting or dwelling in the air. शरीर a celestial body. -श्वासः wind, air. -समुत्थ, -संभव produced in the sky, ethereal. -ferg: the moon. -f See under that word. स्तनी the earth. -स्फटिक the sun or moon gem. - a. having a cypher for i denominator. C AF 1 P. (arafa) To laugh at, deride, ridicul खक्खट a. Hard, solid. टम् Chalk. A beggar's staff. EE: A kind of reed. (also wert: ) A curl, a lock of hair. खच् 1.1.9P. (खपति समाति, खचित) 1 To uom forth, appear. -2 To be born again. 3 To purif; -II. 10 U. (afa, afaa) 1 To fasten, bind. -21 set, inlay. af p. p. [-] 1 Fastened, joined, full o intermixed with ; शकुन्तनीडखचितं बिभ्रजटामण्डलम् S. 7. (v. 1.). -2 Mixed, blended. -3 Inlaid, set, studded in comp. f, Mal. 8. 10. - Made of worste varieties of thread by sewing; Kau. A. 2. 11. खज् 1P. (खजति खजित ) To churn, agitateखजः [अच्] 1 A churning sticle पयस्यन्तर्हितं स f Mb. 12.214.21.-2 Agitating, churnin, -3 A ladle or spoon. - 1 A churning stick, ladl Mb. 4. 8. 1. -2 The hand wit the fingers extended. -3 Churning, agitating, stirrin -4 Killing, destroying. 5 A battle. For Private and Personal Use Only खजकः A churning-stick - जिका A ladle or spoo afa An appetising preparation; L. D. B.Page Navigation
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