સમદર્શી આચાય હરિભદ્ર
પ. દાસ, દસ્યુ, પણિ આદિને આયેતર ગણવામાં આવે છે. જુએ, એજન: પૃ. ૨૪૮-૫૦.
Race Movements and Prehistoric Culture, p. 142 ff; Dr. Sunitikumar Chatterji : Presidential Address, All-India Oriental Conference 1953, p. 11-17.
૭. ડૉ. સુનીતિકુમાર ચેટર્જીનું ઉપર્યુક્ત વ્યાખ્યાન, પૃ. ૨૦ઃ "The racial fusion that started in India with great vigour some 3500 years ago, after the advent of the Aryans, was wider in scope than anywhere else in the world, with the white, brown, black and yellow peoples, Aryas, Dravidas, Nishadas and Kiratas, all being included in it. This kind of miscegenation, together with the admission into India of various other types of culture and religious out-look, has perhaps made the average Indian more cosmopolitan in his physical and mental composition than a representative of any other nation. "
૮. ઉપરનું વ્યાખ્યાન, પૃ. ૧૭ : The language they brought became an instrument of the greatest power in the setting up of Indian civilisation. It was the Vedic language, the Old Indo-Aryan speech, which later on as Sanskrit was transformed into one of the greatest languages of civilisation in which the composite culture of ancient India found its most natural vehicle.'