'It shows that, Anekāntavāda-the doctrine of reconciliation is acceptable to all the systems of philosophy. Yasovijaya, the great 17th century Jaina stalwart, inspired by Hemacandra and Mallişeņa's thought makes a beautiful statement that every system of Indian philosophy has accepted this anekāntavāda, which harmonises all the conflicting views, and sees unity in diversity. There is no reason to reject this doctrine.47 So, Anyayogavyavacchedikā and Syādvādamañjari played very important role in respect of reconciliation of different philosophical viewpoints.
1. Syādvādamañjari-XIII. la. “Anyonyapakşapratipakşabhāvāt yathā pare matsariņaḥ pravādāḥ
XXX. Mallişeņa comments on it as : Sātisāyāsahanatāśālinaḥ krodhakaṣāyakalușitāntaḥkaraņāḥ santaḥ pakşapātinaḥ itarapakşatiraskāreņa svakaksikitapakşavyavasthāpanapravaņā vartante. Syādvādamañjari (S. M.) ed. : Jagadish Chandra Jain, pub. : R. C. Desai,
Srimad Rajchandra Ashram, Agas, 1970. 2. Anantadharmātmakameva tattvamatonyathā sattvamasūpapādam.
S.M.-XXII. 3a. Pratikşaņotpādavināśayogisthiraikamadhyakşamapikşamāṇaḥ.-S.M.
XXI b. Utpādavyayadhrauvayuktamsat - Tattvārthasūtra (T.S.) V-29. Part-I,
Ed. H. R. Kapadia, Pub., J. S. Javeri, Bombay, 1926. . 4. S. M., XXI. 5a. Ibid., XIV; XXI. b. Āptamīmāmsā, 47. Ed. and Translated by K. B. Nitve, Kolhapur. 6a. Sarvārthasiddhi, V-32. Pub. : K. B. Nitve, Kolhapur, Sake 1897, p. 17 b. Tattvārtharajavārtika, 1-6, ed. : Gajadharlal Jain, Pub. : Sanatana - Jaina Granthamala, Kasi, 1915, p. 26. . 7. S.M. XIV. 8. 'Pramāṇanayairadhigamah'-T.S. 1-6.. 9a. Pramāṇanayatattvālokālankāra (P N.T.), IV-44.
Ed.: H. S. Bhattacharya, Pub. : Jaina Sahityavikas Mandal, Bombay, 1967, p. 350-354.