In preparing the Bibliography the facilites available at the libraries attached to the Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Institute of Indology, Gujarat Vidyapeetha and B. J. Institute of Learning and Research have been used.
Each entry includes available information about the title,commentator, editor, translator, place of publication, publisher, year, edition and series. Where information about editor and translator is not mentioned on the title page of the book, it is taken either from the overflow pages or from other sources. Entries have been arranged in alphabetical order chronologicaly.
This bibliography does not claim to be exhaustive. Readers are requested to draw our attention to any omitions so that they could be incorporated in subsiquent edition.
Abbreviations :
Bd. - Editor Eng. - English Guj. - Gujarati Pt. - Pandit Rev. - Revised
Tr. - Translator · Vols. - Volumes