Book Title: Mysteries of Life and Eternal Bliss
Author(s): Anantprasad Jain
Publisher: Tirthakar Mahavir Smruti Kendra Samiti Lakhnou UP
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Man has been very badly misled by thousands of religions with different philosophies. To find the real: truth-all preconceptions must be shed off first. A rational approach, basing on wisdom purely, without any faith in myths, mythology and unbelievable wonders or fancies, should be adapted. Philosophers of the world never got rid of their preconceptions and prejudices and 80 remained away from
The whole world is one unit or an Entity Any society oan rise only when the world-society rises. Material prosperity is necessary to some extent, so as, to make the man free from wants. But it is not all. Worldly prosperity also brings moral degradation, Real prosperity, permanent peace, and perpetual happiness can be achieved by any man or any society by following the path of “Noninjury to any one”. This holds good for nations and countries too. Unless and untill the prosperous nations do not, rcally, earnestly and sincerely, strive for the upliftment of all backward people and all who suffer in poverty and want, permanent peace and real happiness cannot come to them or cannot descend on this earth. Demoralisation will continue to increase which will bring catastrophy finally. The world must be saved from this final catastrophy or doom.