Book Title: Mysteries of Life and Eternal Bliss
Author(s): Anantprasad Jain
Publisher: Tirthakar Mahavir Smruti Kendra Samiti Lakhnou UP
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itself which is really instrumental in getting itself liberated or freed from the contamination, attachment or the bondage of the Karmas or Pudgala matters. This human body itself is a contrivance through which this Soul strives with consciousness and gets itself liberated from limitations of the body and acquires Knowledge Absolute, Omniscience and Eternal Bliss.
As a matter of fact Soul and consciousness are the same and one thing. Where there is Soul, there is consciousness; and where there is consciousness, there is Soul. None can be separated from one another. So rightly saying they are only synonyms of one and the the same thing. Consciousness is the quality nature and essence of Soul.
This very consciousness is the cause of vibrations of the worldly Soul and attachments are due to its producing various kinds of thought activities which finally change the molecular structure of the mundane body by action and reaction etc. with the incoming and outgoing Pudgala particles constantly. Vibrations, caused by thought actvities, are instrumental in creating bondage and intensifying old ones. If