Book Title: Mysteries of Life and Eternal Bliss
Author(s): Anantprasad Jain
Publisher: Tirthakar Mahavir Smruti Kendra Samiti Lakhnou UP
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-sufferings, and can establish real happiness and permanent peace on this Earth.
Atma and Pudgala, coming in bondage since eternity, are the root cause of all kinds of creations and changes of forms, births, deaths and rebirths etc. Both are absolutely disinterested in such creations, yet both, in contact with each other, are the natural cause of all kinds of changes, phenomena and happenings taking place all around us and within us. Every Soul has within it all the attributes of a pure all conscious Atman or God which it gains only, fully, after getting liberation from the attachments of the Pudgala. But once this liberation is gained Soul can never again become soiled with Karmas (attached with Pudgala ), it shall ever remain Pure and All Blissful. All Knowing God or "Param Atma”.
Godhood or Absolute Bliss is the stage where there is neither pain nor sorrow, por any worry, nor any wish or desire etc, as conceived in the worldly meanings. With the absence of all these or any cause of these, full Self Absorption itself is the highest state of pure Blissfulness leading to "Eternal Bliss."