Book Title: Mysteries of Life and Eternal Bliss
Author(s): Anantprasad Jain
Publisher: Tirthakar Mahavir Smruti Kendra Samiti Lakhnou UP
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Now let us assume that the number, of different varieties or setup of molecules, inside the body, is only 100 ( one hundred) and that each setup or formation contains only one kind of molecules only.
(i) The first example which we will take up here, will be the birth of a human being. How and in what ways it takes effect? Reasons and basic causes of all other progenies may be deduced in the same way, for all other beings.
This body is a vast mass of molecules of all kinds. These molecules or "Varganas" are divided in three groups in the Jain philosophy. The first is this visible physical body with bones, flesh, blood etc. and this is called the "Audaric" (a) body created inside the womb of the mother. The other is the Taijas (a) body constituted of bright molecules in which all things of the universe are reflected, from which the consciousness of the Soul receives the true knowledge of all things. The third is the Karmic body or the "Karman” (fu ) body constituted of invisible molecules or "Karman Vargana" (im am) which